Soul Urge Number 8

In Numerology, If your soul urge number is 8 it means your heart and soul are motivated by Money and power. The 8 soul urge means you will make life decisions that align with success, power, drive, goals, confidence, and determination. But soul urge 8 also means balance. And, as with any number in numerology, 8 comes with its own strengths and unique challenges.

In this article, I will be expanding on the meaning of soul urge 8. You’ll learn how those with a soul urge of 8 approach their life. If you want to go deeper and explore your full numerology chart then click here for a free numerology reading. It’s customised to your name and date of birth and will decode your personality and destiny through an in-depth exploration of the core numbers in your numerology chart.

The equalizing power of the number 8

This number is like the great ‘equalizer’ of the Universe. In other words, it is both a creative and destructive force.

Think of the shape of the number. It is very similar to the shape ∞. This shape represents infinity and the cyclical nature of life.

These concepts are likely to reflect in the life of anyone with soul urge 8. For example, people with soul urge number 8 are more likely to attain material wealth in the world. Yet they are also more likely to lose it more often than others.

They enjoy amazing ups, but they’re also likely to experience huge dips. Going bankrupt doesn’t particularly scare those with soul urge number 8. Bankruptcy can eventually make them more confident, focused, and determined to succeed. And something else is worth remembering.

The soul of anyone with number 8 was born not only to take but to give. Generously.

To discover how you can live out your soul urge in a way that’s true to you, find out your other numerology numbers. You also have a life path, destiny, expression and personality number to consider when unlocking your personality code. To discover these numbers, click here to get a free numerology reading. It will help you understand your core drives and desires.

The career path for soul urge number 8

The numerology of 8 is focused on money, wealth and power.

However, these great assets can come at a cost.

Life will teach you many lessons, some of them harder than others. Often those with soul urge number 8 will encounter difficult authority figures. These can include teachers, mentors or bosses.

Has this happened to you?

Instead of harbouring resentment, try to remember that this is the way life has chosen to teach you. It may be teaching you how not to be a difficult authority figure when you come into a leadership role. Although life is generous, it will demand more of you than from some other numbers. This means that in your career you must always strive to act with integrity. Whether you like it or not, you are an influential figure, a leader and an example to others. So you should never caught cheating or stealing.

Money and soul urge number 8

The purpose and meaning of your life, your energy, your main goal, the positions you hold, the decisions you make and the problems you encounter are all likely to be associated with money. You are goal-driven and you enjoy seeing the end result of your efforts. But don’t try to hold onto the money you make in the process!

The reason you have so much of it, is that you can give generously to those who need it most.

Money is so central to your soul urge.

So if you don’t gain material wealth in life, you’ll feel resentful and cheated.

Some 8s struggle with attaining money. If that rings true for you, try to heal your sense of self. Establish healthy boundaries and strengthen your sense of self. Physical exercise may help as 8s tend are quite athletic. This may be because exercise makes them feel stronger and more determined. You need a healthy, strong mind and body to deal with the powerful energy of number 8.

Romantic relationships for soul urge number 8

You have a magnetic personality, so you’re likely to enjoy several love affairs in life.

Your career is important to you. So your romantic partner will need to share your vision of success.

They will need to be willing to provide the support and (more importantly) the freedom you need. Your drive can make you emotionally distant. Your partner may at times feel like they’re not your top priority. While you do need to be with someone who is independent, remember that they are only human. And all humans, including yourself, need to feel loved.

Finally, there’s more to numerology than personality profiles. You can also use it to forecast the energies in the weeks, months and years ahead. By working out your personal year number, you can also plan your future. Click here for a free numerology future forecast, customised to your name and date of birth.

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Learn about other soul urge numbers